Page 40 - NGA NATURALmag 2018 FALL Issue
P. 40

Sarah kelly
Figure Open NGA PRO Card
Group Shot
Eric mcknight
BB Open NGA PRO Card
Fall 2018
NGA South Lake Lake Tahoe Tahoe Natural
Lake Tahoe Ca July 21 2018
NGa Promoter: Bing Saez
www bingfit com southtahoenatural@gmail com The NGA NGA 2nd Annual South Lake Tahoe Tahoe Natural
was a a a a huge success This com- petition was a a a a theatrical event which
displayed the new Tahoe “Viking Conquer” logo created by art student Matt Mooney During the evening show a a stage prop of a a a Viking ship was rolled out which
made everyone feel like they were in a victori- ous battle On the the ship the the Battle Axe
and Viking Shield that was the prize for the Overall winner of Bodybuilding was displayed The Head Judge Jonathon Aggen from Illinois brought order to to prejudging as he he he he introduced the the panel of judges and the the the credentials required to to to be an an an an NGA Judge to to the the audience This show featured two new divisions Classic Physique and Team in in in Training which
proved to to be a a a a a a a a a a a a great addition There were a a a a a a a a a a a total of eight NGA PRO Cards awarded on on this spectacular night!
There was an an intense posedown for the the the Overall in in in in the the the the Bikini division which
kept the the the the judges and audience out of of their seats The winner of of both the the the the Bikini Open and Masters went to a a a a a a a a a well-deserved Alona Zarahkina Figure Open winner Sarah Kelly was outfitted
in in a a a a a a a a a Wonder Women figure suit adorned with gold bracelets on on on on each wrist She displayed a a a a a a a a a a very strong and overall triumphant presentation!
Figure Master winner Joey Chapple is new to the NGA NGA NGA and competed on two NGA NGA NGA stages prior to earning her NGA NGA NGA PRO Card
in in Tahoe at this competition The Men’s Physique Open winner Kenneth Haynes competed in in the the OCB a a a a a a a week prior to the the NGA NGA Tahoe Natural
show and earned his his NGA NGA PRO card in in both federations! This was quite a a a a a a a a a a trium- phant win!
Denzel Carter and Lorenzo Elder are the the the new winners that hold the the the titles in in in the the the NGA PRO Classic Physique Open division division The unique poses in in in this division division brought the the the “golden era” look back to the the the stage and showed the the the crowd just why bodybuilding is an an art form The Men’s Bodybuilding Open winner Eric McK- night
received the the the the Viking Viking Conquer title and and climbed the the the the ship to to grab the the the the Battle Axe
and and the the the the Viking Viking Shield in in a a a a a a a a a victorious display of a a a a a a a a a true natural athlete!
We look forward to the next show show which
will be a a a a PRO/AM event held on on July 20 20 2019 as this show show will continue to be be bigger and better! n n n n n n 40 NGA NATURALmag

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