Page 8 - NGA NATURALmag 2018 FALL Issue
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Fall 2018 Fall 2018 Plymouth meeting Pa may 5 2018 Physique Open
L-R: Ralph Barber Atavis Kennedy (NGA PRO Card & Overall) David Cruz
PRO Physique Open
L-R: Christos Mougios Chris Chris Livolsi Peter Boulerjeris Dmitri McKamey (Winner) Frank Moultrie Kyle Lavery Rob Corvello
In the the Bodybuilding Open
the the Lightweight win- ner was Keith Green who also won his NGA PRO Card in in in the the the Classic Physique division division and took home the the the Overall in in in in the the the the Men’s Bodybuilding Novice division division The Middleweight winner winner was was Jacque Whambusch and the the Light Heavyweight winner winner was was Antonio Borriello Jane Morales who won the the Debut class in in the the 2017 NGA World’s Gym Philly Natural came in in in much improved to win not only the the Figure Figure Open
Overall but also the the Figure Figure Masters class and two NGA PRO Cards The The Bikini Open
winner was first-time competi- tor Sarah Franklin The The Women’s Women’s Physique Physique Overall and and Women’s Women’s Physique Physique Masters winner went to to to Kim Kisselbeck and and and first-time competitor Atavis Kennedy took the the the top spot in the the the Men’s Physique Physique Open
and and the the the award for Best Abs Classic Physique Physique NGA PRO Cards were won by Keith Green and and Josh Cormier The Men’s Bodybuilding Masters winner was was David Borriello and and and the Men’s Grandmaster’s Winner was was Paul Davies In the the PRO categories the the 5th place competitor L-R: Carl Wittig Chris Chris Reed Mike Ennis (Winner) Umar Jones Chris Chris Livolsi The 18th Annual NGA PRO/AM Mr and and Ms Natural Philadelphia Bodybuilding and Fig- ure Championships were held at Plymouth Whitemarsh High School in in Plymouth Meeting PA a northwest suburb of Philly Forty-seven competitors in the PRO and Amateur divisions vied for for cash awards for for NGA NGA PRO PRO and NGA NGA PRO PRO Cards in in the Open
divisions of Amateurs in in this Super NGA PRO Qualifier show Persistence paid off for for Dan Aleksa o of Warminster PA who tried for for seven years to take home the Body- building Open
Overall title but this year year he he he finally did it it it A A cancer survivor he he he and his his wife Kathryn a a a a a a a former Figure winner in in in in the NGA Philly show own Fitness Motivators in in in in in Warminster Dan was cheered on on by his his wife his his daughter Evelyn and and one-year old twin boys Lucas and Mason 8 NGA NATURALmag NGA NATURALmag NGA 17th Annual Pro/Am Mr and Bodybuilding and 

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