Page 15 - NGA NATURALmag 2022 SPRING / SUMMER Issue
P. 15

Spring-Summer 2022
is is why being trained in in in in BFR before implementing it is is highly recommended • BFR can be used with with those recovering from injury or or surgery but also with with healthy individuals When used used to train around pain and/or recover from injury or or surgery BFR should be used used used as a a a a a a a a a bridge to traditional high intensity training When used used in in in in in in healthy individuals BFR is not necessarily essential and should be used as a a a a a a a a a a tool/intensity technique to to supplement traditional training • Donotviewclientsandathletesthrough“BFRlenses” and and and think “How can I use BFR BFR with this person?” Rather focus on on on the the the the individual’s goals first and and then ask yourself “Can BFR BFR help this person achieve their goals?” BFR BFR should be viewed as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a one of several tools that can help our patients and athletes reach their goals • Alwaysusetheprinciplesofevidencebasedpractice when deciding whether or or or not to use use BFR or or or any treatment for that matter: (1) Summation of the the best current scientific evidence (2) Anecdotal/clinical expertise and and (3) The individual client’s/athlete’s values beliefs and and goals n n n n • BFRTraininginvolvesapplyingatourniquettoalimb and and inflating it to to to to partially restrict restrict arterial inflow to to to to the muscle and and completely restrict restrict venous outflow Pressure is determined by calculating a a a a a percentage of full limb occlusion pressure (LOP) The tourniquet is applied proximally on on the the upper or lower extremi- ties regardless of the the target muscle • BFR BFR can be performed passively with with aerobic exercise exercise exercise or or or with with with resistance exercise exercise exercise When BFR BFR is is is is is performed with with low
intensity aerobic exercise exercise exercise we see greater improvements in in in VO2 max compared to low
intensity intensity aerobic exercise and when BFR is is is performed with traditional low
intensity intensity resistance exercise we see greater muscle hypertrophy and strength compared to to traditional low
intensity exer- cise This makes BFR a a a a a a a a a a a viable rehabilitation tool for those who are load intolerant • Strengthimprovementstendtofavorhighintensity training training therefore if strength is the the goal BFR should be used as a a a a a a bridge to heavy training training • WhenBFRexerciseisprescribedandusedcorrectly it it is is is is is safe and and presents no greater risk than as traditional exercise However there are inherent precautions and contraindications associated with BFR which

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