Page 35 - NGA NATURALmag 2017 SPRING-SUMMER Issue
P. 35

Spring/Summer 2017
NGA CHAIRMAN CA PROFESSIONAL FITNESS FITNESS TRAINER WWW FITNESSINMIND FITNESSINMIND COM FITNESSINMINDMOTIVATOR@GMAIL COM COM We’ve all heard the saying: “No Pain Pain No No Gain!” It should be self explanatory but let me explain The “Pain” that they are referring to is not in in in your joints or or the the sore- ness after a a a a couple of of days of of working out The pain you should be feeling is in in in the muscle you are targeting which comes from the struggle your muscles are going through in each exercise I have seen more more and and more more people with pain and and injures these days due to incorrect weightlifting This is is because of of the the lack of of what I call CFT (concentration form and technique) This occurs when atheletes are in a a a a a a a a a rush working out are going through the motions at a a a a fast pace or using ballistic movements along with improper form and technique I have even heard people say that “injuries in in in weightlifting are part of the game ” NO! Injuries are not part of the game! Injuries come from improper form and technique incorrect seat adjustments ballistic movements and lack of concentration The “Gain” part is a a a result of slow controlled move- ments through both the positive and negative portion of each exercise This tears down the muscle tissue efficiently Then as your muscles recover they get the the gains you you are searching for “Full Range of Motion” is another myth that the the fitness industry is teaching The only reason you would have to perform an an exercise with full range is is in in a a a power-lifting competition If you are muscle targeting or bodybuilding then full range of motion is is not necessary The goal is is to take the muscle to a a a struggle point without breaking your form Some exercises you will start with full range how- ever you should then reach the the the struggle point for the the the 8th 9th and 10th repetition That is how you you know you you have the right amount of weight for that exercise When you struggle the extension of motion will get shorter Remem- ber at at this point to to to still pause at at the the top and the the bottom without breaking your form Control your movements! The shorter range work the muscles harder If you still believe that the full range of motion is the the way to go then why do we have a a a a great exer- cise cise called 21s? There are 3 different ranges in this exercise which work the biceps Also understand that some move- ments can cause damage to your joints by going full range such as any kind of of pec fly By going full range of of motion on a a a pec fly fly machine or dumbbell fly fly it can put your shoul- der joint in in in high risk for an injury One more myth that that needs to be corrected is that that “Heavy weights weights with with fewer repetitions repetitions build the muscle while doing lighter weights weights with with more repetitions repetitions tone the muscle ” I’m going to to clarify this false statement All muscles are different Take calves for instance If you want to build your calves and are doing heavy weights with fewer repetitions they will not get results Calves are use to repetitions from standing walking running riding your bike etc With that being said to to build or tone your calves you need to go heavy with 20-25 reps per set The only difference from building and toning your calves would be the caloric intake If you you you want to to build or tone your shoulders you you you need to go heavy and do no more than 10 reps per exercise Why is is that you might ask? The reason is is because we don’t walk on our hands the shoulders are not use to high reps High reps on shoulder exercises would do more damage than good The shoulder joint joint is the most unstable joint joint in in in our bodies therefore it is is easily dislocated The more reps you do on shoulders the more wear-and-tear to your shoulder shoulder joints joints The shoulder joints joints have enough wear-and-tear already due to being active in in almost every upper body exercise My rule of thumb is: go as as heavy as as you can for the repetitions you are going to execute Also one more thing heavy weights do not damage your joints! Improper form technique and ballistic movements damage joints! n n n n n Myths of Fitness NGA NATURAL mag 35

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