Page 6 - NGA NATURALmag 2017 SPRING-SUMMER Issue
P. 6

Spring/Summer 2017
Featuring the NGA Mr America
2017Mr America
Mr Mr America
LLC is proud to to announce that the Mr Mr America
Fitness Festival Weekend
will take place October 6-8 2017
at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore Maryland The Event will include a a 3-day expo the Ameri- can Drug-Free Powerlifting and Strongman Cham- pionships cross-fit competitions grappling MMA celebrity appearances as as well as as the top “natural” bodybuilding and fitness competitions which will include the prestigious and revered Mr America
competition Mr America
LLC is honored to proclaim that the Mr America
competition will be sanctioned by the largest Natural organization in the the US the the NGA the National Gym Association The Mr America
competition first run in 1939 is the the oldest competition in the the Sport of Bodybuild- ing and is easily the most recognizable title not only in in in the fitness Industry but also in in in mainstream America
“This event is is what Natural Bodybuilding has been looking for” stated NGA President and former Masters Mr America
Andy Bostinto “The Natural segment of the sport has been growing every year and the only thing missing has been a a a a mega-show that Natural competitors from all organizations can compete in Now we have it!”
With that thought in in in mind in in in late 2016 President Bostinto met with NSL (Nspire Sports League) Com- missioner Lee Thompson in a a historic summit and agreed to to work together on the the NGA Mr America
and the Mr America
Fitness Festival Weekend
“Having more than one organization working together on on on one event is a new phenomenon in the sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness” quanti- fied NGA President Bostinto “With a multitude
of Bodybuilding and Fitness competitions sanc- tioned by multiple organizations athletes when they qualify for for one event for for the the weekend qual- ify for all events!”
Shortly after the the NSL agreed to support the the NGA the the UFE (Ultimate Fitness Events) joined the the affili- ation followed by FMC (Fitness Models Comps) and the WBFF (World Beauty Fitness & Fashion) All will participate in the Mr America
Fitness Festival Weekend
therefore making the the NGA Mr America
the the the largest Natural event in the the the history of the the the sport Other organizations are sure to participate as the the event approaches In the the the spirit of of the the the original concept of of the the the Mr America
the event has aligned with a a a a a charity The Boomer Esiason Cystic Fibrosis Foundation A per- centage of the revenue from admissions booths and sponsors will be donated to the Foundation Boomer Esiason a a a a a former NFL Quarterback and 6 NGA NATURAL mag

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