Page 39 - NGA NATURALmag 2018 FALL Issue
P. 39
Fall 2018
NGa Promoters: Courtney & Cody mighell
courtneymighell@gmail com Dustin Scott
1st Place Scott
Gosselink PRO Men’s Physique Open
1st Place Laura austin
Bikini Open
NGA PRO Card & Overall NGA NATURALmag
also becoming the newest Men’s PRO Bodybuilder Competition was tough on on on the ladies’ side as as well with two divisions of Figure Figure and Bikini Kanisha Rob- erts took home 1st 1st place in in in in in the the Figure Figure Debut Novice Novice and Open
classes Placing 1st 1st in in in in the the Novice Novice Bikini class class was Ashley Wood who also went on on to secure the the the win in in in in in Bikini Bikini Open
Tall as as as well Laura Austin won the the the Bikini Bikini Bikini Open
Short the the the Overall title title and secured an an NGA PRO Card The Bikini Bikini Masters title title went to Liz Jones who had just turned a a a a a a stunning 53 years old Since the the show took place shortly after the the 4th of July as as an an added interactive feature an an Indepen- dence Day costume contest was incorporated where the the the the audience chose the the the the winners! Four competitors showcased their patriotic gear with the the the the titles of of Mr & & Miss 4th of of July going to Dustin Scott
& Liz Jones Finally before intermission the inspiring Transfor- mation division featured three athletes that shared their their their amazing stories of of their their their journey to to fitness The audience was on on the the the the the the the edge of of of their their their their seat and the the the the the the the verge of of tears as as they they listened to to their their stories on on how they they overcame drugs alcohol abuse self-doubt ill- nesses fear and many other hardships In this class Matt Estock
took home the the medal for his his inspiring testimony on on on what inspired him to to to get on on on stage This show wouldn’t have been possible without the the wonderful panel of judges which included the the Head Judge Earl Snyder and Auditor Terri Whitsel A A big thank you goes out to to all the staff who helped make this first year show a a a a a success Congratulations to all the the athletes who competed and and thank you you for choosing the the NGA and and we will see you you next year! n n n n Rumble on the River