Page 62 - NGA NATURALmag 2019 SPRING-SUMMER Issue
P. 62

Spring-Summer 2019
Promoter: Marco Zanetti
NGA Chief Executive of Development FIBBN
President & Founder www fitness-italia-bodybuilding-natural fit it it North Italy selection
Torino Italy May 25 2019
Torino and Matera Italy hosted these two selections for the the Italian Championships in Pescara which
will be be presented in September With an an audience that that filled the event with passion and renewed a a a a a a a a a a a a tradition that that has been repeated every year year for 15 years now North Italy - BB L-R: Cuccuru’ Piergiorgio Sarcinella Lorenzo Travaglino Stefano Iavazzo Daniele Ruberto Giuseppe
North Italy - Physique Open
L-R: Reale Massimiliano Miccio Andrea Cattaneo Francesco Singh Indervir Patrito Simone Giacchino Luca Prestimonaco Daniele North Italy - - Bikini Open
L-R: Doriana Tarantini Silvia Roccazzella Rebecca Martelli Amber Perrone Giulia Bari

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