Page 16 - NGA NATURALmag 2021 SPRING / SUMMER Issue
P. 16
Spring-Summer 2021
a a Message to Continue Wow we did did did it! it! We We really really did did did it! it! We We made it to the year 2021
Plain and simple 2020 really sucked or did it? Let’s do a a a quick recap Covid-19 hit many jobs were lost family and friends were isolated behaviors and routines broken the list goes on I get it! Life has been pretty hard and probably the most challenging it has ever been You wake up in in in in the morning thinking “Today is going going to to to be different today I am going going to to to do something for me me ” “That’s certainly not true ” said all of the married
people and parents It’s more like “Is today Tuesday or or or Wednesday? Or do I I I wear a a a a mask or or not?”
The truth is is whatever you you you are experiencing it is is either helping you you you you to to achieve achieve your goals or or or making things more challenging for you you you you you to to to to achieve achieve them I am not not asking asking you you you you you to to to to not not think of of others or or or to to to to hide your emotions I am asking asking you you you you to to to first take care of of you you you you As a a a a a a coach I I believe your mental health is every- thing I I could sit here and and try to to encourage you you you to to exercise and and eat right right but if your mind isn’t right right none of this is is is going to work 16