Page 22 - NGA NATURALmag 2017 WINTER Issue
P. 22

Winter 2017 Winter 2017 The Pelvic Tilt
The The Pelvic Tilt:
The Foundation to Optimal Movement and Performance
An anterior pelvic tilt (APT) is when the the the lower back arches and and the the the rear end sticks out The muscles respon- sible for an an an an APT APT are the the iliopsoas (hip flexor) and and erector spinae A posterior pelvic tilt (PPT) is is when the the the lower back rounds and and the the the rear end gets tucked downward The muscles responsible for a a a a a a a a PPT PPT are the the the rectus abdominis glutes and and hamstrings A A neutral spine spine is is is the the the midpoint between an an APT and a a a a a PPT This is is is the the the optimal position for the the the spine spine Typically the the the tight hip flexors cause cause an an APT bias This compresses the the the nerves and and spinal cord in in in the the the lower back back and is a a a a a a a a common cause cause of low back pain (Newman 2010)
An anteriorly tilted position puts the the the abs abs glutes and hamstrings on on on on stretch which causes the the the muscles to to become weak This is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a common reason why trainees complain of an an an an an inability inability to to to “feel” “feel” the the the the lower abs abs working working dur- ing ing ing ab ab ab exercises exercises and an an an inability inability to to “feel” the glutes working during leg exercises exercises 22 NGA NATURAL mag NGA NATURAL mag 

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