Page 26 - NGA NATURALmag 2017 SPRING-SUMMER Issue
P. 26

Spring/Summer 2017 Spring/Summer 2017 26 NGA NATURAL mag NGA NATURAL mag being a a a a a great father husband and and CEO of a a a business I wanted to be a a a champion so I visualized it and by putting in in the sweat equity I could live it It was a a a beautiful thing KELLY: WHAT IS YOUR FONDEST MEMORY OF YOUR TRAINING DAYS?
PETER: I enjoyed the journey more than I enjoyed the destination and celebration I enjoy training All our growth and learning seems to come from the the valley not the the mountain top A championship title was tem- porary Training was therapeutic and has made me the man I am today KELLY: HOW DOES A A A NORMAL DAY START FOR YOU?
PETER: Before I even get out of bed I spend 20-30 minutes in in meditation giving God gratitude I start my day with being grateful KELLY: WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS?
PETER: First and foremost I am a a a dad of two amazing daughters I’ve owned and operated six health clubs working out alongside members for years I was awarded Trainer of the Year by Self Magazine and Muscle & Fitness and have trained the elite as well as the Detroit Detroit Red Wings Detroit Detroit Pistons Joe Montana Gary Player and many many many many more I created and host Peter’s Principles a a a a worldwide syndicated TV and radio show and I have authored several books I helped develop a Weight Management Program with Zurvita a a direct selling company focused on health and nutrition I host Zeal for Life weight loss and fitness chal- lenges where I love motivating oth- ers and seeing them succeed KELLY: WHAT IS THE ZURVITA ZEAL FOR LIFE 90 DAY CHALLENGE WITH PETER NIELSEN?
PETER: The Challenge started with just a a a few people and now there are thousands of people around the world taking the Zeal for Life Chal- lenge It’s It’s transforming lives It’s It’s so fulfilling to to be able to to help people - mind body and spirit The Challenge create a a a community within social media where people can motivate
Andy & Peter !992
Wins American Cup in 1992
1 1 1 out of 11 magazine covers

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