Page 44 - NGA NATURALmag 2017 SPRING-SUMMER Issue
P. 44

Spring/Summer 2017
Al is is a a a a a a a true NGA athlete and represents what the drug-free sport of bodybuilding is about He has competed competed since 1977 I have competed competed with Al in several Mr Universe shows abroad I have first-hand knowledge of of the type of of person that he is By the end of 2014 Al had won two NGA Florida State State titles titles two NGA New Jersey State State titles titles fin- ished 2nd in the NGA World Championships as well as won the NGA Pro/Am Universe four times Two and a a a a a a half months later Al was diagnosed with Stage IV throat cancer on February 1 1 2015 After seven weeks of radiation and chemotherapy along with his determination he was declared cancer free six and a a a a a a a half months later Rather than feeling sorry for himself Al decided to step on stage and had had a a a a a a a goal to do better than he had had in the past At this time not only did he he beat cancer he he also won the Over 55 Tri-State Championships and was awarded Best Poser A A week later Al flew to to Pennsylvania to to compete in the NGA North American Championships & Ed Cole PRO Classic Not only did he leave conquer- ing ing his class and being crowned the North Ameri- can Champion he he was also awarded the Ed Cole Determination Award Ed Cole was a a a a long time natural competitor who appeared in many maga- zines and the television show America’s Got Talent Ed Cole was diagnosed with cancer and continued to compete until his his very last days He wanted his his legacy to carry on in in the natural bodybuilding world which his wife Marie Cole supported and sponsored this award to to the the most worthy athlete The award is given to to the the athlete that shows the most determination to never give up no matter what the circumstances are One month later Al took 3rd in the World Champion- ships He came back to to the the states to to claim the the Over 60 NGA Universe title On May 6 2017
Al was presented with the the Mike “Broc Man” Ives Warrior Spirit Award at the the NGA 5th Annual Gator Classic (see page 52) If you you ever get a a a chance to see Al on stage you you will be encouraged motivated and eager to tackle life’s trou- bles Al is a a a a a great entertainer on stage but most nota- bly Al has achieved many successes even in the face of extreme adversity He continues to remain humble and that speaks volumes to to his character We are proud to to have you you Al Vaughn as an NGA Member you you represent well n 44 NGA NATURAL mag 

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