Page 4 - NGA NATURALmag 2018 SPRING-SUMMER Issue
P. 4

Spring-Summer 2018
TheNationalGymassociation Inc PO Box 970579 Coconut Creek FL 33097-0579 954-344-8410 nga@nationalgym com www nationalgym com Welcome
Letter from the Editor
Happy Summer! Whether you are in competition mode or
not this is is the the time of year when people want to look their best put on that swim- suit and and show off all all the the hard work they have made and and this is is especially the the case in in our world of bodybuilding If this is is you then be sure to read the article on Traveling Tips that offers helpful guidelines to assist you in in in staying on on on track when going on on on that much needed summer vacation The NGA has always believed in in operating as as an an organization with no political drama or
conflict with other natural organizations Our goal is to bring you the best in in in natural bodybuilding that we possibly can and this is is supported by the many years we have dedicated towards promot- ing ing natural shows We stand by our belief that polygraph testing is the ultimate way of of ensuring that athletes are at at at at a a a a a a a a minimum of of seven years drug free To learn more about this this read this this issue’s article entitled The Polygraph Test: Does it really work? Due to the great demand from many of our natural athletes the NGA PRO Universe being held November 10th will be urine testing winners although it does not completely guarantee that an an athlete is 7 years drug-free Many NGA Promoters will be follow- ing this protocol as well so be sure to to to contact show promoters to to to get their requirements before your competition registration As always I I hope you you enjoy this issue of NGA NATURALmag If you you have any story ideas comments questions or
feedback send them to to nga@nationalgym com or
give us a a a a a call Your voice counts!!!
Francine Bostinto
Andrew Bostinto
Lana B Callahan
Lameesa Muhammad PhD Terri Whitsel
Bob Hunt
Roger Lister
LHGFX Photography Matthew Paepke Jim Wlmer
John Abraham
Chad Adamovich CSCS
John Bibby
Ally Cafek
Johnny “The Motivator” Carrero Dr Lorraine Francis DePass Warren I Egebo
George Marion Hall
Mike Hamill
David Hood
Dr Christoph Klueppel
Dr Nicholas M Licameli PT PT DPT Josh Miller
Bill Mora
Lameesa Muhammad PhD Peter N N Nielsen
James & Bianca Purtell
Rick & Maureen Ruether
Bing Saez
Roy Thomas
R Kelly Vaughan
Kennett Washington
Tamara Watt
Wendy Webberly
Terri Whitsel
“NGA the oldest natural and most reputable bodybuilding organization established in 1979” - Andrew Bostinto
President & Founder The National Gym Association Inc Francine Bostinto
NGA Vice President NGA NATURALmag www nganaturalmag com is is published 3 times a a a a a a a a a year by Precious Words DBA Parkland FL 33067 Reproduction of editorial or
pictorial content in any manner is prohibited Copyright©2018 NGA NATURALmag All rights reserved Disclaimer: Reader discretion is is is is is advised Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or
diet program program or
when making changes in in in an an an existing program program if you you have any doubts about your health status NGA NATURALmag accepts no liability expressed or
implied for any products or
programs contained within 4 NGA NATURALmag 

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