Page 14 - NGA NATURALmag 2018 FALL Issue
P. 14

Fall 2018
Santa Rosa Ca NGa Promoter: Laura Gray may 19 2018
http://santarosanatural com
lauragray38@yahoo com
Megan Ford Gonzalez (1st Figure Open) Courtny Valenzuela (Bikini NGA NGA NGA PRO PRO PRO Card) Card) Card) Christian Sullano (BB NGA NGA NGA PRO PRO PRO Card) Card) Card) Wayne Squires (Physique NGA NGA NGA PRO PRO PRO Card) Card) Joey Chapple (1st Figure Masters)
Christian Sullano BB Open NGA PRO Card Saturday May 19th 2018
was was the the the 3rd year year for Mr & Ms Santa Rosa Natural This year the compe- tition was held at the beautiful Finley Community
Center Once again the competitors were ready and and in good shape for the show and and it it was quite a a a a a blessing to see them grace the the stage There were several new new sponsors this year including a a a a a a a a new new photographer which demonstrates the growth that this this competition has taken Addi- tionally this this year’s show was was covered by “The Press Democrat” which is is is the local newspaper This was was definitely a a a a a a a a a a a a true gift for a a a a a a a a a a a a new new show and and a a a a a a a a a a a a crucial way to to get get exposure build traction and and and get get the the word out to to to natural athletes and and the the the community I was very glad to to see the the the positive feedback on social media after the the show Courtny valenzuela
Bikini Open NGA PRO Card As an NGA Promoter my favorite part of putting on on on the the the the show is the the the the connections I make with each athlete Hearing their their their stories and and reading their their their bios about their their their past present and and and how they came to to to compete on on stage and and what an an an experience it is is to to to navigate through the the the process from registration to to hitting the the the the stage is is is is extraordinary Also the the the the relief satisfaction and and joy that is is is is felt and and shared after the the the show is is is a a a a a a a one-of-a-kind feeling I would like to to thank the the the NGA for all all their incred- ible support all all the the the the the sponsors judges expeditors friends family and and the the the Finley staff for their com- mitment and and hard work I could not have done this show without them I am so proud of of every one of of them commend them for all the the the the hard work that they put into the the the the sport and look forward to to another good show next year n n n n n NGA Mr & Ms Natural Santa Rosa 

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