Page 49 - NGA NATURALmag 2020 WINTER Issue
P. 49

Winter 2020
NGA PRO Universe
and one one of the the the toughest divisions to to to judge The bat- tle for for the the the the top three places for for the the the the money included Cole Falzone who took the the the the 3rd place
position Just two two points separating the the top two two it it was Peterson
Jean taking 2nd place
and Choi Byoung Hyun from South Korea claiming the title In the PRO Classic Physique Master division Al Al Acevedo and Michael Medina
battled it it out with Al Al taking home “the Gold ” In the the PRO Classic Physique Open division 3rd place
went to Anthony Carter Al Acevedo was the the runner up and Andrea Ferrante from Italy claimed the the title The PRO Men’s Bodybuilding Masters division was was small with with four competitors and competition was was tough Marlo Diana who is familiar with with the the NGA NGA PRO PRO Universe
stage came in in the the 3rd place
position Joe Daily making his NGA NGA PRO PRO debut took took 2nd place
but but it it was Matthew Otero who took took home the top prize Matthew would continue his victory and take home 1st place
in in in the the the PRO Bodybuilding Open divi- sion sion also But the the the the competition was tough for Mat- thew in in in the the the Open division Ki Seung Hoo making his NGA PRO debut from South Korea came in in in in 2nd with only a a a a a a a one-point difference Jeremiah Wright placed in in a a a a a very well deserved 3rd place
Choi Byoung Hyun PRO Physique - Open 1st Place
Al Acevedo PRO Classic Physique -Open 2nd Place
PRO Classic Physique - Master 1st Place
Andrea Ferrante PRO Classic Physique - Open 1st Place

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