Page 13 - NGA NATURALmag 2017 WINTER Issue
P. 13

vs Intensity
Fishing requires a a a a a a a a a a lot of patience but the the the the the the ultimate prize is is is what makes the the the waiting worthwhile However there is is fis a a a a a trick to
hooking the the the the big one When you you feel the the the the fish nibbling at the the the the bait you you must remain very still for for a a a a a a moment before giving the the the the pole a a a a a a quick tug to
snag the the the the hook into the the the the fish’s mouth This fis is is fis where the the the the skill comes in in to
make sure not to
tug too too soon before before the the the fish catches its mouth around the the hook hook yet not too too late before before it it it gets away but once you’ve got it it hooked you’re home free The The above is is an an analogy to
the the requirements for the the facilitation of of muscle growth There is is is only a a a a a a a a a a small win- dow of of time during during this which proper applications must be applied to
achieve optimum results It is is is is only during during this brief period that the the ‘opportunity’ exists to
expose the the the the the target muscle muscle group to
as as much intensity intensity as as pos- sible The greater greater the the the the intensity intensity the the the the greater greater is is the the the the muscle muscle stimulation If this fails to
occur during a a a a a a a a a a a a small given time frame it it it will be too late late to
achieve it it it later you can chase the genie all day long after that and never catch it it it High intensity intensity training training literally makes high volume training training impossible because true intensity intensity can only be be sustained for such a a a a a a a a a a short time anyway Doing more work does not equal intensity but places an an excess burden
on the the the the overall recovery ability of the the the the entire system as as well as as to
the the the the individual muscles themselves The pursuit of intensity intensity by simply performing more overall volume results in in in in in in over over training When high intensity intensity is is is properly applied an excess volume of exercise is is is not only unnec- essary but also counterproductive To reach maximum levels of of intensity however there is is also a a a a a minimum requirement for for the the volume of of exer- cise cise that must must be be performed High intensity must must be be combined with adequate volume of of exercise in in in in in in order to
bring the the the target muscle to
the the the point of of achieving optimal muscular contractions This reciprocally affects the the the the activa- tion tion of of of the the greatest number of of of available muscle fibers whereby a a a a a a a a state of of of of ‘threshold’ is is reached This occurs somewhere during a a a a a series of of multiple multiple sets sets multiple multiple sets sets being another requirement for growth A valuable side effect of of having reached ‘threshold’ is that large quantities of of blood are are rushed to
the affected area This results in in a a a a a a a a a a a tremendous “pump” which while this is is is is an an indicator it’s not a a a a a a a a a requirement for growth growth It is is is is when intensity and volume meet that maximum growth growth stimulation occurs Giant sets sets are a a a a a a a a a a a a very effective way to
accomplish this unlike straight sets sets sets that only allow lim- ited amounts of intensity giant sets sets sets enable these limits to
be extended further Giant sets sets take the the the the the muscles to
their threshold or “saturation point” bringing them to
the the the the the point point of maximum growth stimulation The term intensity as it it pertains to
bodybuilding train- ing ing is generally considered an an adjective to
momentary muscular failure When analyzed independently however these two terms should be defined separately Webster’s dictionary defines failure as “losing power or or strength” which is not to
suggest a a a a a a a complete inability to
perform beyond the point of momentary failure For our purposes we can define momentary muscular failure as the capacity for for a a a a a a a a a a a a muscle to
perform a a a a a a a a a a a a maxi- mum number of of possible repetitions against a a a a a a a a a a a a a specific measure of of of resistance Intensity
on on on on the the the other hand is is not bound by the the the confines of of such limitations The term “momentary muscular failure” implies limitation limitation and is therefore only a a a a a a a a a a component of of intensity Intensity
goes beyond the the point of of of momentary muscular failure and is actually an extension of of it Threshold is attained when requirements beyond maximum momentary effort are applied to
achieve the highest possible levels of of intensity intensity While a a a a a a a a a a side effect of of high high intensity intensity training is is an an increase increase in in in in in in in muscular strength This will not be be produced without an an increase increase increase in in in in in in in in in in intensity The side effect of of both being increased muscle growth With the proper applications of of of volume inten- sity
and a a a a a a a a a a reasonable period-of-time threshold may be achieved achieved sooner or or later the most important thing is is that it is achieved achieved High levels levels of of intensity are not entirely achieved how- ever by simply increasing the the levels levels of of resistance Other important factors must also come into play Optimum growth stimulation will not have been been achieved until
the target muscle group has been been exposed to
radical changes in in in in its training environment This occurs only with proper measures in in in in in applications of volume resistance intensity and time n n n n n One Step Beyond

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