P. 28

Fall 2017
June 4 2017
• Annapolis MD
Men’s BB - Masters: George Forrest William Craig Tom Hegarty (Overall Winner)
competitors at at at the NGA Annual Annapolis Champion- ships love competing in in in fin it it it because of its late start at at at 1:00pm and early evening finish by 5:00 pm pm Due to the the absence of the the the the typical two-hour intermission between the the the the morning show show and and the the the the evening shows many com- petitors can begin and and finish the the the competition promptly This year’s show featured great competitors with amazing physiques who came from Maryland Maryland Virginia DC and and and and even Maryland! The show kicked off with NGA competitor Amanda Runnels singing the the national anthem acapella Steve Peacock from New Jersey was the the the the show’s emcee emcee and he he he he he he did such an an an incredible job that he he he he he he returned as as as the the the emcee emcee for the the the Potomac Cup & Dave Spindel Pro Classic that was held on Saturday August 5 2017
in in in Woodbridge VA and the Mt Rogers & Mid-Atlantic Pro Blowout being held held on Saturday November 18 2017
also held held in in Woodbridge The show started promptly at 1 pm with the Bikini Open class Kady Stapp from Colonial Beach VA took not only 1st place she also won her NGA Pro Card! Bikini Masters followed with Magalie Herring from from Woodbridge VA VA winning 1st place place Elaine Deloney from from Fredericks- burg VA VA placed first in in in in Figure Figure Figure Novice and Figure Figure Figure Open In the the Figure Figure Figure Masters class Angela Alieu from Bowie MD
took took home the the 1st 1st place place hardware! And last but not least Erika Adams from Colonial Beach VA took took 1st 1st place place in Angela Alieu Figure - Open Elaine Deloney Figure - Open Men’s Physique - Open: Christian Zamora (LW Winner)
Brett Megee (MW Winner)
Desmond Jasper (HW Winner Winner NGA Pro Card & Overall Winner)
The NGA 37th Annual Annapolis Championships the oldest run- ning drug free bodybuilding show was held on Sunday June 4 2017
in Annapolis MD
This show is is is always held on a a a a a a Sun- day and and runs straight through and and is is is judged live Unlike many other shows that are generally held on Saturday the the 28 NGA NATURAL mag
The NGA 37th Annual 

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