Page 32 - NGA NATURALmag 2018 FALL Issue
P. 32
Fall 2018
Physique Contest Prep
BY MICHAEL ASHLEY NSCA-CPT ACSM-HFS FII-CPTS SAY FITNESS INC WWW SAYFITNESS COM MICHAEL@SAYFITNESS COM In In 1978 I I I I I competed in my first competi- tion which was the Dan Laurie Teenage Mr America In In this contest I I placed third
and after after that I I I was hooked Soon after after I I I graduated from high school and joined the U S Army I was intro-
duced to powerlifting During those years I competed in powerlift- ing ing and bodybuilding and captured numer- ous titles in both sports In 1981 I I left the U S Army with an Honorable Discharge and returned to civil- ian life The following year I captured my first title which was the NGA Mr Metropolis I continued that journey which led to numer- ous titles including the 1986 IFBB Amateur World Championships and and was the first and and only Arnold Classic Drug Free Champion In 1990 I I entered into a a a a well appreciated professional bodybuild- ing career As an an individual who has competed successfully at at the amateur and professional level I I have been asked on on on on numerous occasions how would I I pre- pare for a a a a a a a competition when it it comes to calorie restriction and the the cardio component From my perspective whether it’s personal preparation or or working with others there is no exact science for contest prep Ingredi- ents such as establishing a a a a a a a caloric deficit through dietary modification and increased activity along with manipulating the the percentages of the the mac- ronutrients at different stages would be a a a a a a part
of every athlete’s plan Beyond those basics the journey can be very different At some of the the most elite physique events in fin the the world it’s not uncommon to find differences fin in the strate- gies for each competi- tor though they all look phenomenal Given this I have provided the follow- ing considerations which have resulted from my personal experience experience the the experience experience I’ve had with others and that which I I have read from scientific literature: THE FIRST PRECaUTION
I I I advise any any competitor is is to to to to have a a a a a a a a a a a a physical in an an an effort to to to to rule out any any abnormalities as it it it relates to to to to one’s overall health 32 NGA NATURALmag