Page 9 - NGA NATURALmag 2019 WINTER Issue
P. 9
Winter 2019
NGa Promoter: Warren I Egebo
www naturalphillybodybuilding com klon@epix net
Son and and Father
Richard Richard Moglia Moglia Jr and and Richard Richard Moglia Moglia Sr and would also win the Bikini Open class over Lindsey Parrill Sarah Castrogiovanni took 1st place in in in in both Women’s Women’s Physique Physique Open and the Women’s Women’s Physique Physique Masters division The Bodybuilding Master’s 40+ winner was Walter Copeland II with Richard Moglia Sr taking the runner up spot and and and Charles Dashiell coming in in in at 3rd place Roger Houde won the the Grandmaster’s 50+ division and and and the the the the runner up was was Richard Moglia Moglia Sr and and and Rich- ard ard Moglia Moglia Jr was was was the the the the winner of the the the the Junior division It was was great to see a a a a a a a a a a a father and son team compete
for the the the second year in in a a a a a a a a a a row in in the the the NGA World’s Gym Philly Natural
In Classic Physique Open seasoned competitor Gary Gary Haines won won over over Alex Puhalla
Gary Gary also won won the the Classic Physique Physique Masters division over over Richard Richard Moglia Sr Ralph “Skip” Richards won the the Physique Physique Physique Debut and and Physique Physique Open Lightweight Courtney Malcolm won the Heavyweight and and Overall division The Lightweight Novice Novice Novice winner was Richard Moglia Jr and and the the Novice Novice Novice Middleweight and and Overall Novice Novice Novice winner was was Eduardo Teixera Joseph Drum was was the the Courtney Malcolm Physique Open Overall Lightweight Open Open winner winner and Eduardo Teixera was the the Middleweight Middleweight Open Open winner winner with 2nd place in in in in the the Middleweight Middleweight class going going to to Maximilion Angle and and 3rd place going going to to Roger Houde Walter Copeland II won the the Heavyweight Open class with the the runner up being Alex Puhalla
and and in in 3rd place was Charles Dashiell Ed Teixera won the Open class and and earned an NGA PRO Card Best Best Abs went to Maximilion Angle who was much improved from from last year’s show The Best Best Poser
with a a a a a a a a a a a very creative “Gaston” routine from from Beauty and the Beast was Alex Puhalla
Greg Long’s Gym won most representative gym at at this spectacular show The Official Photographer was Jim Wilmer of www jimwilmerphotos com and and the MC and and Head
Judge was Earl “The Pearl” Snyder The The show’s spon- sors Bobby Boyle’s 24-Hour World’s Gym Complex where the contest was held Champ’s Nutrition on on on Grant Avenue and Beach Bum Tanz of Warminster The NGA 9th Annual Mr and Ms World’s Gym Philly Natural
Championships will be held on on July 13 2019
and we look forward to another spectacular event! n n n n n n NGA NATURALmag
and Ms World’s Gym Championships